8 Side Hustles to Make Your First $1,000 Online

Cash Domics
3 min read6 days ago


Making your first $1,000 online is incredibly exciting.

For those just starting out and aiming to reach that milestone, here are 8 different ways people are earning over $1,000 per month.

And also, how you can get there as quickly as possible.

My name is Ali, and let’s dive into these strategies!…

⚠️ Disclosure: This article is for educational purposes only and is written by a human, not AI. It may contain affiliate links at no extra cost to you.

8 Side Hustles to Make Your First $1,000 Online

Sell Old Jewelry on Worthy

Websites like Worthy allow you to sell old jewelry and other items around the house.

Some users have made over $1,000 just by selling unused items.

If you don’t have jewelry, consider writing for websites like Copyhackers.com, which pays up to $1,000 per blog post.

Paid Coaching Calls

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

With the rise of online communities, many people are hosting live coaching calls.

By paying $100, you can get access to these exclusive sessions, which can be incredibly valuable.

One coach I worked with made $500 for a single hour of coaching by linking multiple communities to his calls.

CPA Marketing

Cost Per Action (CPA) marketing involves earning commissions for specific actions, like sign-ups.

Platforms like Audible and TapMop offer $5 to $6 per signup.

By referring 200 people, you can easily make $1,000.

Google Search Affiliate

Promote affiliate offers through blog articles and rank them on Google.

Platforms like Medium allow you to publish articles and include affiliate links.

One member of my club made nearly $1,000 through this method.

Faceless YouTube Automation

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

YouTube automation allows you to earn money from ad revenue, brand deals, and digital products without showing your face.

One of my videos with 55,000 views made over $1,000 just from ad revenue.

Apply for Work-from-Home Jobs

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Websites like Narratively and Bella Magazine pay up to $3,000 per story or blog article.

Other platforms offer various services, such as web development and product design, where you can earn hourly rates.

Sell Instagram Accounts on Social Tradia

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Build and sell Instagram accounts.

Even accounts with 2,000 followers can be sold for $100.

This is a great option for teenagers with free time.

Start a Pinterest Account for Digital Products

Photo by Dima Solomin on Unsplash

Create a Pinterest account and sell digital products.

Accounts with millions of views promote digital guides, which can generate significant revenue.

Use tools like ChatGPT to brainstorm and create these products.

Photo by Igor Starkov on Unsplash

Final Words

These 8 side hustles can help you make your first $1,000 online.

If you want detailed, step-by-step tutorials on any of these methods, let me know in the comments.

Good luck, and see you next time!



Cash Domics

Hi! I’m an expert in making money online through affiliate marketing, dropshipping, and digital product sales. Follow me for tips on building passive.