Make $9,032 with Free Courses and File Uploads!

Cash Domics
3 min readJun 22, 2024


If you're lazy, this method isn't for you.

But if you’re ready to take action, read this tutorial and see the results.

Some people achieved—like $784,000—using a free app combined with Quora.

If you’re looking to make money online and are willing to invest some time and effort, this tutorial could be a game-changer.

Let’s get started…

⚠️ Disclosure: This article is for educational purposes only and is written by a human, not AI. It may contain affiliate links at no extra cost to you.

Make $9,032 with Free Courses and File Uploads!

Find Free Courses

First, you need to gather valuable free courses or tutorials on any topic.

You can find these courses online on free sites like Udemy or Coursera or use YouTube channels that provide step-by-step guides.

Coursera Courses - Screenshot by Author

Create a Google Document

Open a new Google Document.

This document will be your hub for listing these valuable free courses.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Copy Links: Copy the links to these courses. Make sure to select courses that teach something useful, like YouTube Automation.
  • Paste Links: Paste these links into your Google Document. Aim for at least 10 different courses.

Download Your Document

Title your document appropriately.

For example, "Best Online Business Courses to Make $1,000 Online." Then, download it as a PDF file.

Google Docs Sample - Screenshot by Author

Upload Your Document to File Upload Platforms

Now, you’ll use a platform like, which pays you for document downloads.

Here’s how:

  • Sign Up: Register on
  • Upload Your PDF: Go to the upload section and start uploading your file.
  • Get Your Link: Once uploaded, you’ll get a unique link for your document. You can earn up to $7 per 1,000 downloads when you share it on different platforms.

Promote Your Document

To start earnings, promote your document using different platforms:

  • Quora: Create two accounts. Ask a question with one account (e.g., "What is the best online business to start in 2024?") and answer it with the other, including your document link.
Quora Questions to be Answered - Screenshot by Author

⚠️ Make sure to do it ethically. Respect the platform and don’t scam.

  • Udimi: Buy solo ads to promote your document via email lists. Prices can start at 59 cents per email click.
  • ShoutCart: Pay influencers $5-$10 to promote your document on platforms like Instagram or TikTok.
Udimi - Screenshot by Author

Tip for Free Traffic

For free traffic, consider using TikTok or faceless YouTube channels.

Many users have made significant earnings with these methods.

Here are some examples:

  • A user made over $45,000 in one month.
  • Another gained a million subscribers and made over $2,000 in a week.
  • Others earned $7,000 or more per month.

Bottom Line

Combining free online courses, Google Docs, and Quora, along with strategic promotion on other platforms, can help you achieve substantial earnings.

While it requires effort, the rewards are significant.

This method has proven successful for many, generating over $784,000 in earnings.

So, start now and see how much you can make!

If you enjoyed this post, drop a clap 👏 and check out the my other stories for more ways to make money online.



Cash Domics

Hi! I’m an expert in making money online through affiliate marketing, dropshipping, and digital product sales. Follow me for tips on building passive.